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Ana Méndez de Andés: Cities of Change (urbanize! Festival 2021, Vienna)

6 October 2021

»This is the story of a bunch of squatters and booksellers, who actually managed to get to the gonvernment of a city«. With this statement the architect and urban planner Ana Méndez de Andés introduces her keynote »Cities of Change – the institutional assault« at the opening of the urbanize! Festival 2021. During her lecture the coordinator of the European Municipalist Network gives insights into the experiences of the municipalist goverments such as Ahora Madrid who ran with Manuela Carmena for mayor in 2015. She tells about challanges and successes of governing a capital city as a municipalist movement in Madrid as well as in Zagreb.

As part of the urbanize! Festival 2021, Ana Méndez de Andés not only shares her work on the intersection of commons, municipalism and feminism. She also shows how municpalist movements all over Europe can learn from each other‘s experiences.

Ana Méndez de Andés is an architect and urban planner. Her activist-research practice focuses on the intersection of urban commons, municipalism and feminism. Since 2014, she has been involved in the municipalist movement, and engaged in trans-local projects and networks.

dérive lectures © 2021 by Ana Méndez de Andés / dérive is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0