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Ana Méndez de Andés: Femini/sti/sation of Politics and other Strategies of Change (urbanize! Festival 2021, Vienna)

8 October 2021

In her lecture ›Femini/sti/sation of Politics and other Strategies of Change‹ Ana Méndez de Andés gives insights into the experiences of women working in municipalist organisations such as ›Marea Atlántica‹ in A Coruña and ›Madrid129‹ (Spain), ›L’Asilo – Massa Critica in Napoli‹ (Italy), ›Zagreb JE NAS‹ (Croatia), ›Ne da(vi)mo Beograd‹ (Serbia) and ‹Commonspolis‹ (Spain and France). In collaboration with each other these municipalist movements work on tools to make their work and activism more inclusive and feminist in order to challenge the profoundly patriarchal structures of institutional politics. Aspects of this feministisation are working towards equal representation, cooperation, proximity to community, empowerment, diversity, concepts, and use of language and structure.  The lecture was held during the urbanize! festival 2021 as part of the panel discussion ›Feminizing Politics as a radical democratic approach to inclusive political structures‹ with Ana Méndez de Andés, Can Gülcü und Antje Schrupp.

Ana Méndez de Andés is an architect and urban planner. Her activist-research practice focuses on the intersection of urban commons, municipalism and feminism. Since 2014, she has been involved in the municipalist movement, and engaged in trans-local projects and networks.

dérive lectures © 2021 by Ana Méndez de Andés / dérive is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0