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Demetrio Scopelliti (AMAT, Milan): The Piazze Aperte Programme (urbanize! Festival 2022, Vienna)

7 October 2022

›Piazze Aperte‹ is a project of the Municipality of Milan aiming to enhance public space as a meeting place at the center of neighborhoods, expanding pedestrian areas and promoting sustainable forms of mobility to benefit the environment and the quality of life in the city. Using tactical urbanism for rapid change, it has been transforming 38 streets and intersections into recreational zones for the neighbourhood in only three years time. In his talk during the good practice event ›Reclaim the Streets‹ at the urbanize! festival 2022, Demetrio Scopelliti of AMAT introduces several of the implemented projects and their design processes.

Demetrio Scopelliti is head of the urban planning and public space department at the mobility, environment, and territory agency of the city of Milan (AMAT). Since 2016 he is the advisor to the deputy mayor for urban planning coordination projects and tactical programs such as the ›Piazze Aperte‹, ›Strade Aperte‹ with Bloomberg Associates and GDCI-Nacto.

dérive lectures © 2022 by Demetrio Scopelliti / dérive is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0