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Jokin Santiago Elorriaga (Leku Studio): Superblock: Creating new public space in Barcelona and Valencia (urbanize! Festival 2022, Vienna)

7 October 2022

Barcelona and it’s ›superilles‹ (›superblocks‹) as well as Valencia and it's ›ciudad the plazas‹ are using tactical urbanism for rapid change and creating new public spaces. As part of the good practice event ›Reclaim the Streets‹ at the urbanize! festival 2022 Jokin Santiago Elorriaga from Leku Studio, entrusted with the design of the Superilla St. Antoni in Barcelona, provides insights from their learnings from Barcelona and Valencia and presents the idea of flexible landscapes. Their design strategiespursue assets like flexibility and adaptability which allow the experiment, the innovation and progressive extension of a new urban paradigm. Their projects prioritize green mobility and the creation of new social spaces of proximity.

Barcelona-based Leku Studio (Jokin Santiago and Marta Sola) works in the fields of architecture, landscape design and urban planning. The studio has comprehensive expertise in the strategic planning and design of public spaces for sustainable transformation.

Jokin Santiago Elorriaga is an architect specialized in urban ecology and public space projects. In his previous professional career he worked as an architect for the Urban Prospecting Department of the Barcelona City Council and as an consultant for urban strategies in the private sector. In 2016 he founded the OUT association promoting, designing and curating cultural projects in the field of architecture.

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