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Ragnhild Sørensen (Changing Cities e.V.): Changing Berlin, Changing Cities (urbanize! Festival 2022, Vienna)

7 October 2022

In Berlin and many other German cities, the civil society network ›Changing Cities‹ is pushing for a climate- and bike-friendly urban transformation. Ragnhild Sørensen from ›Changing Cities‹ speaks at the urbanize! festival 2022 during the good practice event ›Reclaim the Streets‹, about the current mobility realities of Berlin. Introducing the Volksentscheid Fahrrad (the bicycle referendum) initiated by ›Berliners‹, citizens engaging in the urban mobility transformation, she emphasizes that change can be immediate and implemented even in small steps.

Ragnhild Sørensen from Changing Cities e.V. in Berlin has worked as an author and journalist for public broadcasting for many years. Since 2018 she is head of communication of Changing Cities e.V., an association promoting civil society engagement for more livable cities.

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