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Lisa Hahn: Montag Stiftung Urbane Räume, Bonn (urbanize! Festival 2023, Vienna)

6 October 2023

The non-profit ›Montag Stiftung Urbane Räume (Urban Spaces)‹ is an independent foundation operating from Bonn. In her talk, Lisa Hahn introduces current projects during the international good practice evening ›How to … Urban Commons! Gemeingut! Aber wie?‹ as part of the urbanize! festival 2023, sharing insights of the reality behind their work. The foundation emphasizes on district development for the common good, with a focus on the commoning aspect. With the ›initial investment‹ approach, the Montag Stiftung develops real estate in urban areas where citizens face multiple hardships, and cares for those locations in a co-productive manner. Their work aims for a lasting contribution to the surrounding neighborhoods and the empowerment of its people while formulating goals such as creating inclusive communities existing in solidarity as well as self-sufficiency. Examples for ongoing projects are ›KoFrabrik‹, ›Bob Campus‹, ›Bürgerpark Freifeld‹ and more.

Lisa Hahn is a consultant for the common good at the Montag Stiftung Urbane Räume. She supports the transfer of knowledge in public welfare-oriented development with a focus on the projects based on the initial capital principle of the Montag Stiftung and the everyday knowledge created.

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